Project funding
Overview over funded projects

As URBIS FOUNDATION, we have already given financial support to a variety of projects and initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa (especially East Africa) and Eastern Europe. The funded activities, which were always centred on renewable energies, portray a broad spectrum: from educational measures, to the support of women initiatives and the implementation of energy projects. Subsequently, selected projects and partners will be presented.

If you would like to apply for funding, more information on our criteria can be found here.

Tanzania Strengthening and developing skills

Herrnhuter Missionshilfe e.V. supports rural vocational schools in Tanzania in setting up solar training programmes.


Tanzania Support for smallholder farmers in western Tanzania

RUDIA is expanding solar irrigation in western Tanzania for small farms and training them in marketing their harvest.


Tanzania Solar irrigation for the farmland of women's collectives in Zanzibar

ZAREDO supports smallholder women farmers in Zanzibar with solar irrigation systems. This enables the women to feed their families and secure their income.


Kenya Biogas plants and light for the Maasai

Due to recurring droughts caused by the climate, cattle owners are forced to drive their herds up to 200 kilometres to the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania at great loss. The construction of two biogas plants is intended to establish a partial change in husbandry, with cattle being kept indoors mixed with dairy cattle to feed the children.


Uganda Solar power for village health centres in Uganda

ACCOD (Alpha Childcare and Community Development) is supporting health centres in rural Uganda with PV-tools, for providing better and constant services to their clients.


Kenya Solar pump for girls’ school

The Tanzania Renewable Energy Association from Tanzania created sustainable access to clean water for the girls of the Preiswerk Secondary School.


Kenya Rainwater Collection Systems for Women’s Group

With the support of URBIS, the SOFIs WORLD - Social Finance Foundation installed rainwater collection systems for the Maasai women's group "Women of Faith" in Kenya to ensure the drinking water supply for the families. The systems collect and store rainwater from the roofs of the 35 family huts.



Tanzania More access to solar energy for orphans

The Renewable Energy Zanzibar Association from Zanzibar used the funding from URBIS to support orphans in their school education by giving them access to solar energy through the installation of 60 small solar systems, allowing them to study for school in the evenings.


Tanzania Sustainable Use of Biomass for Cooking

Through the project with our partner TAREA, two schools were equipped with energy efficient and clean fuel wood stoves, which reduces the risk for respiratory diseases and halves the firewood consumption.  


Kenya Restart of the IRUWA Workshop for Renewable Energies

With this project, SOFIs WORLD restored the IRUWA renewable energy workshop in south-eastern Kenya to good condition and resumed production of renewable energy technologies, especially biogas and solar thermal.  


Tanzania Access to Solar Energy for Orphans

The aim of this project was to support orphans in their school education by giving them access to solar energy for their evening schoolwork through the installation of small solar systems.  


Gambia Well construction in The Gambia

Within the URBIS Foundation’s funding programme, the African German Energy Development Association e.V. (AGEDA) was able to build a well in The Gambia. In cooperation with its local partner MADRA Development Foundation, a 35-metre-deep borehole was drilled in the Kerr Pateh Koreh village community and a solar-powered water lifting system was installed.  


Burkina Faso Solar energy for the vegetable production of a farmers' cooperative

In Sargo, a village in central-northern Burkina Faso, a solar pump system was installed by the Centre Solidarité et Initiatives pour le Développement au Burkina Faso (CSID-BURKINA) through the URBIS Foundation’s funding scheme.  


Uganda Electricity for schoolchildren

Thanks to the Giving Children Hope Initiative (GCHI) from Uganda, the primary school in Kabagolo village has finally access to electricity. With URBIS funding, GCHI installed a 2.3 kWp solar system on the primary school in Mitayana District, Central Uganda. 


Ghana Solar power for Kwanjarko in Ghana

Within the framework of the URBIS funding programme, Aktiv für Afrika e.V. installed a solar power system in the village of Kwanjarko in eastern Ghana, through which a solar pump is powered.



Benin Photovoltaic system for child protection centre and training farm

Kinderrechte Afrika e.V., with the financial support of the URBIS Foundation, installed a 3.6 kWp photovoltaic system on the Terre des Anges training farm in southern Benin in 2021. 


Cameroon Sustainable drinking water supply in Nzindong

In the village of Nzindong in western Cameroon, Technik ohne Grenzen e.V. built a well to improve the local drinking water supply. The URBIS Foundation supported the project by funding the solar system to supply the electric well pump. 


Uganda Solar energy for rural health facilities to improve maternal and child health services

The Alpha Childcare and Community Development Organisation (ACCOD) from Uganda implemented a solar project in two health stations in rural areas as part of the URBIS funding programme in 2021.


Tanzania Successful marketing of solar kits on Zanzibar

Our project partner REZA has supported three women's groups in Zanzibar with the sale of a total of 240 solar kits


Tanzania RUDIA: Solar refrigerators for Tanzanian fish sellers

Tanzanian funding partner RUDIA equips women's collectives from Kasulu with solar refrigerators


Tanzania TAREA: Installation of photovoltaic system on girls' school

In the Tanzanian village of Ifakara, the partner TAREA has equipped the local girls' school with a 1.28 kWp photovoltaic system


Georgia Green Regions: Promotion of Solar Energy in Western Georgia

In order to achieve the project's overall objective of promoting the increased use of renewable and environmentally friendly energy technology, a total of six solar thermal systems were installed in two West Georgian municipalities


Togo Construction of a water tower with solar pump

Our project partner Dr. Luppa from Togo, with the support of the URBIS FOUNDATION Germany, has realised a project to supply the population of the village of Tindjassi in Togo.


Kenya Construction of a marketing office for solar thermal systems

Within the frame of the project an office for marketing and sales of solar thermal systems was established in the SOFIs WORLD house in the Taita Hills in the south of Kenya.


Tanzania Solar fridges for women fish vendors

The idea of the project was to empower women fish vendors economically through the provosion of solar fridges.


Tanzania Enabling households access solar lighting systems through KUWEKA NA KUKOPA microfinance system

Women's groups in the south and in the central region of Zanzibar were qualified to set up revolving funds and thus both start their own companies and acquire solar systems.


Tanzania Training of girls on solar installation and maintenance

TAREA's approach was to train more women in solar energy, enabling them to carry out maintenance work independently and generate income.


Georgia Improving livelihoods through sustainable utilization of renewable energy resources

The objective of the project was to decrease energy poverty through enabling local households to better use existing renewable/biomass resouces.


Ukraine First green school in Bilyky

With the help of Ekoltava, a school in Bilyki, in the Poltava region of Ukraine, is now the first "green school".


Uganda Renewable Energy for Light, Economic Empowerment & Food 2 (RELIEF 2)

As a continuation of ACSET's successful RELIEF project in 2018, new villages and beneficiaires have been chosen and targeted in the frame of the RELIEF 2 project. As many health centers and schools in Uganda suffer from insufficient lighting, solar PV systems have been installed at a health center and two schools.


Cameroon Installation of a solar photovoltaic system for a soap fabric run by people with disabilities

In the local soap factory in the rural village Sepp in Cameroon, the entire production of toilet soaps is mostly carried out by women with disabilities.


Togo Water storage tank with solar powered pump

Due to the support by URBIS, it was possible to install a water storage tank, which supplies the school facilities as well as the vegetable garden via a pipe system.


Tanzania Enabling girls of Malinyi Division-Tanzania access to quality education, and safe and good school living environment

In many regions in Tanzania, schools do not yet have access to reliable and secure lighting. URBIS supported the organization TAREA in the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof of a girls school in Malinyi.


Kyrgyzstan Safe Water and Sustainable Sanitation Driven by Rural Women in An-Oston Village Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul Region

The WECF-supported project is a follow-up project whose predecessor was originally initiated by local rural women from the village of An Oston in Kyrgyzstan


Togo Improving the life of the vulnerable population in Togo through solar energy

In Togo, less than 28% of the households have access to electricity.


Kenya Extension of the SOFIs WORLD house as a seminar house

In 2018 URBIS supported the overall furnishing of the SOFIs WORLD house in Kenya.


Kenya Continuing extension of SOFIs World`s meeting place with solar thermal energy and rainwater storage tanks

As in the previous year, URBIS supported the development of the SOFIs WORLD house in Kenya, a meeting center presenting the use of renewable energy systems.


Tanzania Enhancing capacity building to local Clan leaders and link them to the implementation of the Energy Policy goals

In 2018, REZA organized trainings, workshops and presentations to distribute knowledge about renewable energy technologies among the people living in the rural areas of Zanzibar.


Niger Installation of a solar powered mill

The aim of the project was to install a solar powered mill, to enable the women forming the association to transform their corn and millet grains into flour to sell it.


Uganda Renewable Energy for Light, Economic empowerment & Food (RELIEF - Project)

In northern Uganda, many households in many villages still live in darkness since they cannot afford paraffin.

Production of Biomass Fuel Briquettes for Decreasing Energy PovertyProduction of Biomass Fuel Briquettes for Decreasing Energy Poverty

Georgia Production of Biomass Fuel Briquettes for Decreasing Energy Poverty

The Georgian NGO RCDA (Rural Communities Development Agency) held comprehensive workshops and trainings in the municipality of Khamiskuri on an efficient and environmentally friendly use of biomass residues for household heating.

Armutsbekämpfung: saubere Trinkwasserversorgung durch eine Solarwasserpumpe

Armenia Establishment of an energy cooperative for the purpose of building a photovoltaic powerplant

In the frame of a pilot project, URBIS supported the NGO Ayrudzi in drafting a comprehensive business plan for the installation of a local PV plant.

Armutsbekämpfung: saubere Trinkwasserversorgung durch eine Solarwasserpumpe

Cameroon Poverty reduction: clean water supply through a solar powered water pump

Like many other villagers in Cameroon, the inhabitants of the village Lok-Ikwo have to cover long distances on foot to reach the next water source.


Armenia Republic of Moldova Ukraine Conceptualisation of democratic and gender-sensitive business models in Armenia, the Republik of Moldova and Ukraine for solar collectors, insulation and energy-efficient stoves

The rural regions of these three countries suffer from a lack of energy. Moreover, the local population often does not possess sufficient knowhow about the developement of an economically successful energy association.

Ausbau des SOFIs WORLD Demo- und Begegnungshauses mit regenerativen Energieanlagen und ökologischer Haus- und Gartentechnik

Kenya Building the SOFIs WORLD house

In 2017 the NGO SOFIs WORLD started to build a model house to show the possibilities of including renewable energy technologies in local households. These practical use cases are regularly demonstrated to visitors and local experts. Moreover, interns and regular guests can stay at the house and learn about the benefits of renewable energies. The garden around the house serves as an example for ecologically friendly farming. URBIS supported the installation of the renewable energy technologies.

Conducting TAREA member needs assessment and Establishment of renewable energy clubs at the schools in Manyara region

Tanzania Conducting TAREA member needs assessment and Establishment of renewable energy clubs at the schools in Manyara region

In 2017 TAREA, the Tanzanian association for renewable energies, conducted a comprehensive survey among its members to assess their needs and challenges in the renewable energy market in Tanzania.

In Sansibar sind sogenannte Shehas lokale Clan- bzw. Dorfanführer. Ihre Unterstützung ist wichtig, um erneuerbare Energietechnologien insbesondere in ländlichen Regionen der Insel zu verbreiten

Tanzania Capacity building for members of communities, enabling them to participate, engage and enroll in the community needs

So-called Shehas are the clan or village leaders in Zanzibar.

Kauf einer Solarmühle

Tanzania Establishment of a solar powered posho mill for 85 women as a source of income

URBIS supported the Tanzanian women initiative Mategemeo in purchasing a solar powered mill to process their agricultural projects locally.

Solar Lighting System

Uganda Solar Lighting System

In many regions in Uganda, especially in rural ones, households often have to rely on harmful kerosene lamps for lighting.

Aufbau und Durchführung eines Marketingkonzeptes zur Vermarktung regional hergestellter Solarthermieanlagen zur Heißwassergewinnung

Kenya Development and implementation of a marketing concept to promote regionally produced solar thermal plants

In 2016, the NGO SOFIs WORLD was able to purchase land property in the Taita Hills in Kenya.

Aufbau von gender-sensitiven Genossenschaften in Georgien für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien mit demokratischen Strukturen und Bürgerbeteiligung

Georgia Development of gender-sensitive cooperatives in Georgia for the expansion of renewable energies

Together with local partners the NGO WECF had implemented energy projects (solar PV and building insulation) in Georgia.

Mitarbeitertraining und Workshops für ländliche Regionen in Sansibar

Tanzania Employee capacity training and workshops in rural Zanzibar

In 2015 the "Renewable Energy Zanzibar Association" (REZA) was founded, aiming to promote the use of renewable energy technologies in Zanzibar.


Togo Solarkiosk

Supported by URBIS, the organisation Solar Zonder Grenzen was able to install and maintain five solarkiosks in the Tchaoudjo region, western Togo.

National Renewable Energy Day 2015

Tanzania National Renewable Energy Day 2015

The Tanzanian organisation TAREA organised its tenth national renewable energy day with the slogan "Renewable Energy Opportunities for Improving Livelihoods and Saving Environment" in June 2015.

Merry-Go-Round Biogas Projekt

Kenya Merry-Go-Round Biogas Project

In 2014 SOFI's WORLD started a pilot project.

Solarausbildung in Temeswar

Romania Vocational training on solar energy in Temeswar

URBIS and the Association for ecological building Leipzig e.V. have already been partners for many years.

National Renewable Energy Day 2013

Tanzania National Renewable Energy Day 2013

The Tanzanian organisation TAREA organised a national renewable energy day in June 2013.
