
Girls from Preiswerk Girls Secondary School with school director Rev. Erica Ludela are celebrating the solar-powered water pump. Copyright: TAREA

Solar-powered water pump for girls' school in Tanzania

With support from the URBIS FOUNDATION, our project partner Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) in Tanzania installed a solar-powered water pump at the Preiswerk Girls Secondary School in Ifakara. This replaced the emission-heavy diesel generator and the old severely stressed pump.


Claude Amouzou, Executive Director of TOGO-ENERGY

Our solar technicians in Togo introduce themselves

With our goal to promote the use of renewable energy, we operate 20 photovoltaic and solar thermal systems throughout Togo, mostly on rural health clinics. These not only need to be professionally installed, but also maintained twice a year so that they can produce electricity and hot water sustainably and in the long term to ensure clean and safe health care. Here we would like to give the floor to three of our long-time solar technicians.


Borehole Drilling Copyright: AGEDA

Well construction in The Gambia

Within the URBIS Foundation’s funding programme, the African German Energy Development Association e.V. (AGEDA) was able to build a well in The Gambia. In cooperation with its local partner MADRA Development Foundation, a 35-metre-deep borehole was drilled in the Kerr Pateh Koreh village community and a solar-powered water lifting system was installed.


CPIA training cohort 2022 Copyright: UFT

New training cohort on our farm

We are happy to welcome the new training year on our farm CPIA (Centre de Promotion des Initiatives Agricoles). Every year, 18 young farmers are trained to become agroentrepreneurs (AEs). The young people in their early twenties come from all over Togo to take part in the training.


Yams hills with sesame plants Copyright: SAF

Collective farming successfully launched in Blitta, Togo

In our project with Sight Africa Family (SAF) in Togo to establish six production communities, much has already been achieved in the first months of the project. Following the successful project kick-off in August 2021, the first three communities were established as planned in the villages of Kamboussa, Kaza-Copé and Niki-Niki 2.


Cornelia Dix presents Dr Kadjassi with a blood pressure monitor as a farewell gift Copyright: UFT

Farewell to Dr Kadjassi

After 13 years with URBIS FOUNDATION TOGO, Dr. Bâ-Traoré Kadjassi, who was responsible for the health sector, retired. Over the years, we have greatly expanded this sector. It all started with a request from a small health station that wanted to provide medicines for the less fortunate.
