
Dr Agodomou our medical expert in educating diabetics about their dietary practices

Over 600 people educated about high blood pressure and diabetes in Togo

For the past four years, URBIS FOUNDATION TOGO has offered an annual diabetes and hypertension tour in Togo to raise awareness of these diseases. This year, the tour was extra special as it was the first time we were able to faciliate health centers with materials and medicine to provide long-term treatment and diagnosis on their own.


SESEUS inception event Copyright: ACSET

Big project launch in Uganda

This month, our project to strengthen the use of solar energy in northern Uganda kicked off with a big inception event. Together with our long-term partner Action for Child Social and Economic Transformation (ACSET), we will actively strengthen the solar sector in the Lango sub-region over the next one and a half years.


Essossinam Tamale

Successful completion of our current training year

Today, the current training cohort of 18 young farmers finished their one-year training as agroentrepreneurs (AEs) on our farm CPIA (Centre de Promotion des Initiatives Agricoles).


UFT team with Cornelia, Katharina and workshop trainer Anastasie Koudoh (back on the left)

Trip to our team in Togo

Last month, our project coordinators Cornelia Dix and Katharina Immel traveled to our subsidiary foundation URBIS FOUNDATION Togo (UFT). During their two weeks on site, they first visited our headquarters in Lomé, Togo's capital.


Trained solar electricians with their new toolboxes Copyright: UFT

New project to strengthen the photovoltaic sector in Central Togo

This year, URBIS FOUNDATION started a new project in Sokodé, Togo. Over the next five years, URBIS will support solar electricians on their way to self-employment as solar electricians. In addition, we will jointly build a solar training centre with a PV demonstration system and construct PV systems for local NGOS and health sector facilities far from the electricity grid.


Maasai woman with her children Copyright: SOFIs WORLD

Start of the Funding Projects 2023

In 2023, the URBIS FOUNDATION will once again support exciting projects related to solar energy. From this year on, the special feature is that we will only support projects with a three-year duration. This way, we can support the solar installations more sustainably and in a longer term together with our partners.
