
Chilli harvest in Togo Copyright UFT

URBIS Togo visits agricultural collectives in the Togolese central region

Visiting the co-operatives allowed the URBIS team to see the realities on the ground and select the groups that really meet the URBIS criteria. We are sure that the solar installations will help to overcome production difficulties.


Trained solar electricians recieve their diploma Copyright: UFT

A successful year for the solar sector in Togo

The Urbis Foundation has concluded a cooperation agreement with Windkraft Simonsfeld AG for a period of five years (2023-2027), with the participation of Initiative Eine Welt Braunau, with the aim of strengthening the photovoltaic sector in central Togo. Key milestones of the cooperation are the establishment of a solar training centre in Sokodé, Togo, with a PV demonstration system and support for electricians on their way to becoming self-employed solar installers.


The production of spinach

Start of the GIZ project in Togo

The 14-month project ProEnergie in Togo has just started. The aim of the project is to to familiarise agricultural producers with solar irrigation in order to increase their income in the long term. The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) is supporting the project with more than 170,000 €.


Tractor for soil cultivation Copyright: UFT

Project on collective farming in Central Togo successfully completed

The project "Establishment of production communities for the cultivation of partially mechanised, collectively managed fields in the canton of Tchaloudè, Blitta prefecture, central region of Togo" ended on 30 June 2023. This was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry.


Women were provided with toolboxes by Urbis

Promotion of women in the solar sector in Lomé, Togo

The PFPERT project (Partenariat pour la Formation Professionnelle en Energies Renouvelables au Togo - Partnership for Professional Training in Renewable Energies in Togo) is setting up a training system for electricians, refrigerator technicians and electrical technicians in Togo to train craftsmen & -women in solar installations.

For this purpose, existing training centres are selected as solar training centres.


Meeting with Massai men at large gathering

Biogas plants and light for the Maasai

As the keeping of large herds in Kenya in the classic grazing system is becoming increasingly risky, our project partner SOFIs WORLD has taken on the task of integrating an alternative type of livestock keeping among the Maasai, which should ensure their survival in the long term.
