
Copyright Verein für ökologisches Bauen e.V.

Successful travel to Romania

As in previous years, Helmut Thoma and Lutz Unbekannt from the “ecological association in Leipzig” travelled to Temeswar, Romania, this September, to evaluate the state of their solar thermal installations and their mechanical workshop.


Dr. Manfred Epp, Ouronile Adam

A visitor from Togo

Mr. Adam, our Managing Director of URBIS FOUNDATION TOGO spent two days at our URBIS office in Munich.


Copyright: ACSET

Deadline for applications closed

On September 30, the deadline for applications for funding support by URBIS FOUNDATION was closed.


A farm student punching the holes for connecting the drip hoses to the main line (Copyright: Peter Hoenen)

Drip irrigation system for our farm

On the site of our sustainable farm in Sokodé, Togo, our farm team was able to successfully install a drip irrigation system.


M. Adam, M. Alaba, Bärbel Epp, M. Issa, Alassani Mama

Acknowledement for our longterm cooperation partners

Big THANKS to our Partners in Togo


Our intern Philipp together with a doctoral student from the University of Lomé

Seven weeks internship in Togo

In the frame of an internship with URBIS FOUNDATION, I spent seven very special and diverse weeks in Togo, my tasks covering a variety of different fields.

