News URBIS FOUNDATION Togo continues Solartraining

Copyright: Togo Energy

The solar electricity sub-sector in Togo is one of the priorities of URBIS FOUNDATION Togo (UFT). In addition to solar installations, UFT is also active in the training of solar energy technicians. The latest training was held between July 9 to 12 in Anié.

15 electricians received four days of training with the focus on: Maintenance, repair of solar photovoltaic systems and the use of a solar suitcase. Last March, the trainers of these workshops had the opportunity of strengthening their capacity for two weeks in Germany on the usage and the construction of solar suitcases.

These trainings are possible thanks to the partnership between UFT and the Hanns Seidel Foundation, which is the financial partner of these workshops and technological capacity building for young people in the photovoltaic sector.

More than 180 young people in 12 prefectures (Aného, Tsévié, Atakpamé, Agou, Notsè, Anié, Sotouboua, Sokodé, Tchamba, Kara, Mango and Dapaong) are trained. The objective of UFT is to reach all the prefectures of Togo and to create in each of them a pole of competence to work locally and to build a national network of professionals in solar energy. These training courses will be continued in other prefectures of the country.
