News Sustainable Use of Biomass for Cooking in Tanzania

With the support from the URBIS Foundation our project partner TAREA in Tanzania successfully ended the one-year project “Enabling Sustainable Use of Biomass for Cooking at Public Secondary Schools in Malinyi District”. Through the project two schools were equipped with energy efficient and clean fuel wood stoves, which reduces the risk for respiratory diseases and halves the firewood consumption. This not only allows for significant savings in carbon emissions but also financial savings.
As another component of the project, students were educated on climate change resilience through tree planting and planted 860 trees seedlings themselves. To ensure the long-term growth of the seedlings, each tree was allocated to a specific student which is now responsible for taking care of it.
Further the communities around the schools were engaged by receiving 340 seedlings as well as being informed on the benefits of trees for the rain available.
This project combined education and sensitization with concrete action and generated significant impact for the communities in Malinyi and for our climate.