News Solar Irrigation in Togo: Successful project implementation with GIZ

Solar irrigation in Togo: Successful project implementation with GIZ

Our joint project with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) on solar irrigation in Togo ending today. The project, which is being implemented in the central region of Togo, focuses on the installation and utilisation of solar irrigation systems for agricultural production.

The CPIA training farm and seven vegetable cooperatives in the Tchaudjo region have been equipped with solar pumps, water towers and drip irrigation. Two additional irrigation systems were also installed on the farm for training purposes. The aim is to establish the farm as a training centre to inform farmers about solar irrigation and climate-resilient agriculture.

An important part of the project is the transfer of knowledge: the trainers at the CPIA farm have already been trained in solar irrigation and can now conduct training courses themselves. At the same time, a curriculum for climate-resilient agriculture was developed based on a soil and environmental analysis.

The project has been extended until 15 October in order to carry out further training. This includes training for the participating vegetable cooperatives and former CPIA students in the use of solar irrigation systems. In addition, teachers from vocational schools are being trained in solar technology for agriculture in order to pass this knowledge on to solar electricians.

Finally, ten financial institutions are to be informed about the importance of solar irrigation systems in order to facilitate access to loans for farmers.

This project represents an important step towards promoting sustainable and climate-friendly agriculture in Togo.

