News Climate change in Togo

After last week’s conclusion of the 2018 Climate Change Conference in Kattowitz, new framework provisions for developing countries were agreed on. Very important is a greater planning security for the developing countries: In order to be able to reduce their own emissions, and to better adapt to the consequences of climate change, these countries are offered financial support from industrialized nations. 50 % of the CO2-emissions are caused by only 10 % of the wealthiest people in the world (BMZ Newsletter of 11.12.2018), but mostly people living in developing countries are the ones suffering most under the consequences.
In Togo, the partner country of our foundation, the effects of climate change become more and more evident: For instance, in the coastal region between Kossi and Aneho, where the peninsula is likely to disappear due to the rise of the sea levels. Moreover, floods and salinization of the wells in the regions of the plateaus occur more frequently. In addition, the rainy season is less regular, shifting the sequence of seasons. This is particularly important in the agricultural sector of Togo and leads to increased rural depopulation.
Due to these developments, a “national investment plan for the environment and for the natural resources” was elaborated in 2011, on the basis of which the “national plan of adaptation to the climate change” was developed in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in 2014. These plans aim to prevent the consequences of the climate change.
Through our work to sensitize for the benefits of using renewable energies, our foundation makes a positive contribution to protect our climate and supports Togo in its sustainable efforts.