News 2020: This year's funded projects have been chosen

As URBIS FOUNDATION we are going to support a number of renewable energy projects in 2020. We were very happy to receive such a high amount of innovative and exciting project ideas, although that made the final decision more difficult for us. All in all, we are going to support eight different projects, five in West and East Africa and three projects in Eastern Europe. We are looking forward to a good cooperation and the implementation of the great project ideas!
In East Africa
Since 2006 the projects of the non-profit organisation RUDIA have been strengthening rural and urban development in Tanzania. The orgainsation supports local businesses covering their energy needs through sustainable sources. In this case, the organisation is planning to equip the fishmongers in the village of Kasulu with solar-powered refrigerators to keep their goods fresh and prevent food from being wasted.
WODEG - women pro development group
In order to improve the economic situation of women in rural areas of Tanzania, the organisation WODEG is implementing a project to support women farmers in the northern region of Simiyu. It is planned to provide the women with solar-powered pumps to irrigate their fields in order to facilitate their work and increase yields. In addition, the solar pumps will replace the petrol-driven models used so far reducing significantly the CO² emissions produced.
Women in need action
In order to support the mostly female farmers in northern Tanzania, the organisation Women in need action is about to build a cooling facility in the region of Geita, which is operated by a photovoltaic system. The facility can then be used by the surrounding farmers as storage place for the harvested fruit and vegetables. This minimizes post-harvest losses and economic damages.
In West Africa
Dr. Luppa Projekthilfe e.V.
Supported by the URBIS FOUNDATION, the civic organisation Dr. Luppa is improving the access of the community of Tindjassi in western Togo to clean drinking water. For this purpose, a water reservoir is to be built next to the school building of the community, which will be fed from the local groundwater by means of a photovoltaic-powered pump. The reservoir will then be able to supply water to two water points and a cattle watering place providing a livelihood for both the local population and the nomads passing through.
Since the small village of Bôtbéa with 250 inhabitants in western Cameroon does not have access to the electricity grid, the local seamstresses are currently unable to use the electric sewing machines available to them or to work after dark. For this reason, the German development organisation Log-Ikwo-in-Cameroon, together with its local partner, would like to put a photovoltaic system into operation in order to supply the community centre with the necessary electricity. To ensure the operation of the system, several local seamstresses will also be trained in the maintenance and servicing of the system.
In Eastern Europe:
Green Regions
To promote the construction and use of solar thermal energy, the Georgian organization Green Regions is planning to build several plants in two communities in the west of the country for demonstration purposes. Therefore, a local kindergarten and a soup kitchen will use solar thermal energy to produce hot water. In addition, several private households will be equipped with solar thermal systems and information campaigns will be conducted to demonstrate the advantages and opportunities of solar thermal energy.
Rural Renaissance
The project of the Moldovan organization Rural Renaissance aims to convince the general population of the advantages of solar energy and to advise them on possible usage models. To this end, the organisation would like to install a photovoltaic system in a model project and feed the electricity generated into the local grid. The purpose is to use the system and information material to educate the general public about the function of a photovoltaic system and to encourage them to make their own investments.
For more than 20 years, the Moldovan organisation Ormax has been active in the field of sustainable energy production and environmental protection, with a particular focus on the country's disadvantaged rural areas. In its current project, the foundation, with the support of the URBIS FOUNDATION, is strengthening sustainable energy supply in northern Moldova by equipping ten households with solar thermal systems. In addition, two training sessions are planned for the local population, in which information is provided about the consequences of climate change and possible solutions.
The funding period for 2020 is closed now. Any initiatives, who wish to reveice financial support for projects in 2021, can find all relevant information here.