Health and social issues
Our activities in the social sector
have been established for many years
Support of children and youths
Equipment of kindergartens
We support kindergartens in Togo through structural improvements as well as the delivery of material such as toys or children’s books. 41 kindergartens already received such support. We are always happy about new donations which could benefit a kindergarten!
Pilot project birth certificates
Many children in Togo are born without receiving a birth certificate. This initial problem entails many difficulties: For instance, children cannot request a passport, if they have no birth certificate. In the long run, this can lead to serious problems at school, university or the pursuit of a career. In our pilot project we support 50 children in their quest to receive a belated birth certificate.
School scholarships
Most families in the central region consist of many children. The parents cannot afford to pay the school fees and buy school uniforms and books for all their children. That is why we at URBIS grant school scholarships to underprivileged children from large families. At the beginning of the school term, the children receive the required books and the cloth to sow the school uniforms. Additionally, we bear the cost of the yearly school fee. More than 140 children have already been granted this special support in the past 15 years - many of whom have by now successfully finished their graduation.
Microcredits for women
Women in Togo often find themselves facing structural disadvantages. For instance, it very difficult for a woman to manage property on her own: the independent management of a bank account is in many parts of Togo hardly possible for women.
To support women in Togo we started a micro-credit programme, which has been concluded by now. As URBIS FOUNDATION, we granted interest-free microcredits to selected groups of women, whose members wished to start their own businesses. Examples of successful enterprises can be found in our Success Stories.
Supporting the health sector
Many of the local, smaller hospitals and infirmaries (so-called Dispensaires) in Togo struggle with insufficient equipment. At the moment, we support 15 local hospitals with regular medication deliveries. 10% of the delivered medication is distributed to destitute families, who could not afford to pay for it.
In many cases the supply situation of medicinal products in rural areas is insufficient