ZAREDO – Promotion of Renewable Energies in Zanzibar
Organisational Description
The Zanzibar Renewable Energies Development Organization (ZAREDO) was founded in 2015 and operates as a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar. It acts as an umbrella organisation that supports the sustainable growth of the renewable energy sector on the islands of Zanzibar. ZAREDO has the goal of promoting renewable energy technologies and disseminating them on the islands. Within this framework, projects are implemented that promote knowledge and skills concerning renewable energies, build an effective network of stakeholders, support the use of renewable energies, and promote local manufacturing in the process. Through this, ZAREDO promotes business development, application, and services for a sustainable renewable energy market in Zanzibar.
- Total Volume: 6,000 – 9,000€ annually
- Duration: yearly projects since 2016
- Project region: Zanzibar, Tanzania
- Project partner: Zanzibar Renewable Energies Development Organization (ZAREDO)
Financial support from the URBIS Foundation
Project Description
Many people in the villages of Zanzibar use kerosene lamps as a source of light, which is harmful to their health. Therefore, ZAREDO carries out awareness-raising campaigns on the topic of renewable energies and promotes the installation of small solar systems in order to provide the inhabitants of Zanzibar with a reliable and clean electricity supply. Through its various projects, ZAREDO has gained a lot of experience in offering solutions in the field of renewable energy technologies to the communities.
As part of the project partnership with URBIS, the following projects have been implemented in recent years:
1. Access to Solar Energy for Women
Women in southern Zanzibar who live off-grid are given access to small solar lighting systems for their homes through REZA's projects. The women organise themselves into savings groups and set up revolving savings funds to start their own businesses as well as to purchase solar systems. With the help of the trainings and the workshops, the women's groups are able to continue their savings groups independently and sustainably. In the long run, the whole village community should benefit from the women's new skills and gain access to solar energy. The project has already installed 240 solar kits in 15 villages in Zanzibar.
2. Support for Orphans
Another project aims to strengthen the education of orphans through access to solar energy in different districts of Zanzibar. As part of the project, small solar systems for the use of 5 lamps are installed in the homes of the families who have taken the children in. This allows the children to continue studying and doing their homework in the evenings.
Voices from the Project:
These guys (REZA) told me their intentions about helping us install a solar system that would help my kids read at night. (…) In fact, this support has saved me a lot as I came out of a dark life. I used to spend a lot of money a year on kerosene. I have now paid off my loan, and I truly thank those people, URBIS foundation in Germany, and REZA and Muzdalifa. At the moment we have good, safe, clean light and my kids are very happy.
Tatu Simai Haji
The NGO Zanzibar Renewable Energies Development Organization (ZAREDO) is supported by the URBIS Foundation with an annual grant.