News URBIS FOUNDATION Togo celebrates anniversary

At the beginning of December, the URBIS FOUNDATION Togo celebrated the 20th anniversary of URBIS FOUNDATION in Sokodé. For one week, the team invited people to special events in the field of health and organised hands-on activities for children and young people. The highlight was the ceremony in a hotel in Sokodé on Thursday, where the twenty-one-member team of URBIS FOUNDATION Togo (UFT) presented itself to the guests. In the morning, a motorcade of motorbikes accompanied by a wagon with live drum music and a banner had ridden through the neighbourhoods of Sokode to draw attention to the anniversary celebrations.
During the week, free diabetes and hypertension tests were available to educate people about the diseases and diagnose potential conditions at an early stage. Unfortunately, knowledge about these diseases is still limited in the region and many people are not aware of their dangers. In addition to the tests, there were also various games for students to win small prizes. This was of course particularly popular. The free vaccinations for goats, sheep and poultry were also in great demand. On Saturday, the anniversary week ended with a football tournament.
Group photo with UFT team and guests -
Motorcade of motorbikes to kick off the celebrations
Conducting a free hypertension test -
Join-in games for children and youths
Football tournament to conclude the celebrations -
Football tournament to conclude the celebrations Copyright (7): UFT