News The next application round for funded projects is open for applications on Saturday, August 15

It was a turbulent year. But it was also a year of changes and perspectives for our funding projects in Eastern Africa and Eastern Europa – in the last months solar plants or solar refrigerators have been installed and solar water systems for agricultural activities have been constructed.
Soon it will be time again this year:
In a few weeks we will open the application round for projects that will be realized in 2021
What are the application criteria?
Non-profit organizations with sustainable projects and the following focal points can apply for funding from 15.08.2020 onwards
- Focus on renewable energies (solar power, solar thermal energy, biomass)
- Regional focus on sub-Saharan Africa (especially East Africa) or Eastern Europe
- Identifiable sustainability of the project
Moreover, we consider projects that have an additional focus on gender and the promotion of women as especially eligible.
Where shall the projects be implemented?
The priority regions are Sub-Saharan Africa (especially East Africa) and Eastern Europe.
Which documents must be submitted?
Applications must be submitted in written form to The application includes the completed application form and a financing plan. The proposals can be submitted in German, English or French.
Please find more information in our funding guidelines.
Where do the documents need to be submitted?
The application can only be submitted to the Foundation via email to:
When can you submit the proposal?
From 15.08. to 30.09.2020 applications can be submitted for funding for projects to be implemented in the following year.
Unfortunately, applications submitted outside this application period cannot be considered.
In addition, we apply the principle "First Come First Serve". Only the first 30 applications received will be taken into account.
We wish you good luck and success!