News Solar-powered water pump for girls' school in Tanzania

With support from the URBIS FOUNDATION, our project partner Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) in Tanzania installed a solar-powered water pump at the Preiswerk Girls Secondary School in Ifakara. This replaced the emission-heavy diesel generator and the old severely stressed pump. Now the girls have a reliable and clean water supply. They are also now protected from crocodile attacks, a hazard that occurred when fetching water from the river.
School Director, Rev. Erica Ludela is grateful for the project: "Thanks to TAREA and URBIS FOUNDATION for the installation of the solar water pumping system. Now, the problem of girls suffering from stomach diseases has been ended"
Through the project, the schoolgirls also learn how to grow their own vegetables to improve the quality of their food.
URBIS FOUNDATION already supported the school in 2020 and built a PV system together with TAREA to ensure a reliable power supply in the classrooms.
School director Rev. Erica Ludela standing under the newly installed solar panels. Copyright: TAREA -
Mr Lauden Mwamelo (left), the representative of the Ensol (T) Ltd that installed solar water pumping system and the school headmaster Mr Ndekela Mwalusamba (right) inspecting the water pump before installation. Copyright: TAREA