News Project on collective farming in Central Togo successfully completed

The project "Establishment of production communities for the cultivation of partially mechanised, collectively managed fields in the canton of Tchaloudè, Blitta prefecture, central region of Togo" ended on 30 June 2023. This was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry.
120 smallholder farmers who participated in the project cultivated only small subsistence plots with hoes before the project. Through the project, the farmers are now part of six production communities in six different villages, which generate additional income for themselves and their families of 6-7 people on average through semi-mechanised use of 30 hectares of communal land per village and cultivation of sale crops such as maize, soya and yams. In addition, each village now has a storage hall for the harvests and in Kamboussa village there is now a meeting room that can be used by all the production communities for training, meetings and knowledge sharing. The purchase of a tractor and the use of mineral fertiliser has resulted in better soil conservation and productivity and thus higher yields.
The project was a complete success and valuable door opener for the six participating groupings in the canton of Tchaloudè, because today, thanks to the improved cultivation methods, higher yields and additional income, they are able to feed themselves, provide (medical) care, and send their children to school. Their group fund enables them to grant themselves loans for their activities independently. Their living situation has improved sustainably. In addition, the knowledge gained through the training is passed on within the production communities and to other people in the village.
Further, the project made an important contribution to the Bavarian Africa Package, with its aim to contribute to stability and development in Africa. In the first instance, this project contributes to the stability of Tchaloudè Canton, as the production communities can successfully farm together with the help of the project. As a result, it can make a valuable contribution to food security for more than 120 families in the region. Secondly, the increased and more reliable income of the farmers from the sale of their joint harvests enables them to invest in the education of their children and thus improve their schooling in the long term.
The project is being implemented by the URBIS Foundation together with Sight Africa Family. It receives financial support from the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry.