News Farewell to President and Founder Dr. Manfred Epp

It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to our President and Founder Dr Manfred Epp. On 19 January 2021, he succumbed to the consequences of his Covid-19 disease while surrounded by his family. We extend our sincere condolences to the Epp family and close colleagues and friends and wish them all much strength during this difficult time.
In 2002, Dr. Manfred Epp founded the URBIS FOUNDATION together with his wife Inge Epp to contribute to a more sustainable and socially responsible world. As President of the URBIS FOUNDATION, Dr. Epp has worked tirelessly to achieve these goals. Particularly close to his heart was the promotion of solar technology in Africa and socio-economic development, especially in Togo, with whose inhabitants he felt closely connected throughout his life. His energetic commitment to the interests of the URBIS FOUNDATION and his invaluable economic expertise will be greatly missed. In the spirit of Dr. Epp, the URBIS FOUNDATION will continue its work as a family foundation under the leadership of his wife and their joint children.
Below: Dr Manfred Epp (second from right) welcomes delegation of solar experts from Togo to the Munich office 2013