News Completion of the DBU project "Increasing energy efficiency through solar energy and building isolation".

After a first phase that focused on the training and education of solar technicians, the 3rd work package concentrated on the sensitisation of the population, the German-Romanian Foundation Timişoara (DRS) as project partner of the URBS FOUNDATION organised a variety of events to bring important actors in contact with the population and to inform them about the technical as well as financial possibilities.
Above all, the fact that 90% of the apartments in Romania are privately owned opens up the possibility to renovate the buildings in a joint effort and to equip them with solar thermal energy. There are also subsidies from the state and the respective municipalities. The big challenge, however, is that many people know too little about the potential of renewable energies and solar technology. Through a round table with flat owners, technicians and journalists, flyers, press releases and cooperation with large housing associations, the population was sensitised and contacts were made. The project was successfully completed at the end of July 2020.