News Awareness raising for renewable energies by our Club Solaire and URBIS Togo

On 23 and 30 October 2019, URBIS FOUNDATION Togo (UFT) and Club Energie Solaire from the University of Lomé (CES-UL) jointly organised awareness raising events in Agoè and Adétikopé, in northern Lomé.
The CES-UL is an organization comprised of UFT scholarship students at the University of Lomé. These scholarship students support UFT in its activities to promote solar energy. The CES-UL sensitizes fellow students as well as the local population on the importance and benefits of solar electricity.
These joint awareness-raising activities benefited women in the major markets of Agoè Assiyé and Adétikopé. The objectives of these sensitizations were: firstly, to explain the importance and benefits of solar electricity and its socio-economic impacts in households not connected to the public electricity grid. Secondly, to identify 200 women living in a disadvantaged situation (for instance caring for a disabled husband) and particularly widows (deceased husband) in charge of school children to benefit from Mivo Energie solar lamps (EdM), which were subsidized at half the initial price through contributions by UFT. These lamps have three highly efficient lighting levels, a port for charging a mobile phone and a two-year warranty starting from the day of delivery.
The women welcomed the information provided by CES-UL and UFT and through their Presidents thanked UFT in particular for its permanent support to the disadvantaged in general and those in the markets in particular. It should be noted that the delivery of these solar lamps to the chosen beneficiaries will be made no later than November 25.