News This years funded projects have been chosen

Since 2005, URBIS has been offering financial support to local initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa (especially East Africa) and Eastern Europe, who wish to implement renewable energy projects.
As in previous years, we received numerous exciting applications for funding in 2018. All in all, 7 organisations and initiatives were selected to receive funding support this year.
In Eastern Europe
Ekoltava wishes to start the first “green” powered school in the region of Poltava, Ukraine. Through the installation of a PV plant on the school’s rooftop and awareness-raising measures regarding a more environmentally friendly behaviour, a long term understanding for the importance of a sustainable way of living shall be triggered.
Based in Armenia, the NGO plans on founding the first energy cooperative to implement a PV plant in the community of Basen. Sustainable business models and a reliable chain of decision making shall be developed in the frame of this pilot project. If successful, the NGO wishes to up-scale the project.
Rural Communities Development Agency
The local community of a village in Georgia will be educated and trained on a sustainable use of biomass as primary source for heating. Moreover, kindergartens and women-led households shall be supplied with locally produced, environmentally friendly biomass briquettes.
In East Afrika
Action for Child Social and Economic Transformation – Uganda (ACSET)
The NGO plans to spread the use of renewable energies as source for lighting in a northern region of Uganda in the frame of its RELIEF Project (Renewable Energy for Light, Economic Empowerment & Food). Especially social institutions such as schools and hospitals shall profit from this initiative, since they are mostly dependent on the hazardous kerosene lamps.
Association des Mères et Tutrices des Orphelins
The project „Grains du SOLEIL” focuses on supporting women in a region in Niger. Powering a flour mill through solar energy shall permit these women to process their grain more efficiently. Additionally, they are offered to participate in literacy courses.
Entrepreneurs du Monde (EdM)
The concept of EdM has been specifically designed for Togo and focuses on a leasing concept for solar products. To make the solar products (such as solar lamps) more accessible for a broader mass and evading the often high upfront investment costs, EdM developed an approach which allows them to offer these products on a long-term basis and on cheaper conditions.
Log-ikwo-in-Kamerun Nachhaltig e.V. Stockach
Wishing to support a local community in Cameroon with safe access to clean drinking water, the association plans on installing a solar powered water pump. So far, it is mostly women and children who have to walk long distances to have access to unclean water, taken from a creek.
The funding period for 2018 is closed now. Any initiatives, who wish to reveice financial support for projects in 2019 are kindly ask to submit their application until latest September 30. Information on the criteria and the application documents can be found here.