Sucess Stories The Farm of Akizilelou Arom

Every year, our training farm CPIA (Centre de Promotion des Initiatives Agricoles) trains agroentrepreneurs (AEs), such as Akizilelou Arom. The 24-year-old was trained as an AE in 2020-2021 and was able to start his own farm in the Est-Mono prefecture in eastern Togo with the start-up capital from URBIS FOUNDATION. On his 9 ha farm, he grows maize, soybeans, cassava, yam, sorghum and nibeb, and also breeds goats, sheep and poultry. With the start-up capital, he was even able to build a house in his village.


Sucess Stories From URBIS solar training to permanent employment

In March 2021, Tchala Ekéma took part in an intensive one-week solar training course on the installation and maintenance of photovoltaic solar systems organised by URBIS FOUNDATION Togo (UFT) in Lomé. Following the training, she was funded by UFT for a three-month internship at KYA-Energy Group, where she got a permanent job after graduating with a degree in civil and electrical engineering.

The children with their new birth certificates

Sucess Stories Project "Birth certificate for all"

In Togo, many children do not yet have a birth certificate - we support them to receive one retroactively.

The café of Madame Aridja Tchakonde

Sucess Stories The café of Madame Aridja Tchakonde

Thanks to a microcredit granted by URBIS, Madame Aridja Tchakonde was able to establish a café, which she runs today with five employees.

The boutique of Madame Mouraféra Sallassis

Sucess Stories The boutique of Madame Mouraféra Sallassis

With a microcredit granted by URBIS, Madame Mouraféra Sallassis was able to open a boutique, which she runs with her daughters.

The sheep farm of Rialou Djafarou and Seveya Ourogneni

Sucess Stories The sheep farm of Rialou Djafarou and Seveya Ourogneni

The two men were students on our sustainable farm in Sokodé in 2013/2014. They received a comprehensive training on sustainable farming, management and business administration.

The cultivation of field crops by Mamadou Ouro-Tou

Sucess Stories The cultivation of field crops by Mamadou Ouro-Tou

In 2016, Mamadou Ouro-Tou finished his vocational training at our sustainable farm in Sokodé.


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